Join Us

P.O. Box 461

Model Park: 137 Howard Road, Goodwood

Please Note: The MMACA is a Tasmanian based organisation and insurance cover is applicable to members in this State only.
Application Form (Click to download)


$20,000,000 Public liability cover. – Tasmania only (Conditions apply - see below).
Special discounts from Tasmanian Hobby Shops.
Membership card.
Membership car sticker.
Free priority use of MODEL PARK.


Private membership = $25.00 per year

Club / Group membership   =  $15.00 per year, per member.


Group = Loosely formed, no formal structure, no constitution, no elected office bearers. See below re: Convenor

Club = Formal structure, constitution, elected office bearers, probably incorporated


Discounts - McCanns Model World and Nicks Hobby Shop will all give discounts where possible, upon presentation of your MMACA membership card.

Public Liability Insurance

You should have this even if you are only putting on a static display at the local school. If someone should trip on the leg of your table and injure him or herself you could well be sued at the very least for medical expenses. Moving displays or demonstrations are obviously even more open to claims. For the Model Boat fraternity, even if someone should trip over your boat when it is in it's stand on the shore at Lauderdale Canal (or any other sailing site) exactly the same liabilities exist.
Frightening isn't it! All of this can be avoided by joining the MMACA. Our Insurance Policy covers all designated operating areas that already exist and Model Park. It will also cover any display at a school fair, for example. Don't expect the school to have the necessary cover as many only take out the minimal requirements, which may not cover you, and some have none at all. However you must advise us, the MMACA of the date and who is participating at least a couple of days in advance. Alternatively if you meet regularly, let us know when and where e.g. Joe Blog’s paddock, Huonville every Sunday! BUT you must have written permission to carry out your activity on that site .Only paid up members will be covered! 

All Clubs, including the R/C Model Plane Clubs, and groups should have a look at how much they are paying now and compare it with the costs of affiliating with the MMACA. We are confident it will be less than you are paying now and if you aren't paying anything then it is likely you are not covered at all. You are probably operating at an enormous risk. This applies to the private operator just as much as it does to the Clubs. Contact us for details.

Finally, please don't interpret the above information as the MMACA's attempt to control your Club. We simply want you to continue operating just as you have before, and in the same place but with the safety net of not being able to be sued should an accident occur. And we want you to do this at the least possible cost to the individual.


Where a group does not want to go down the path of formalisation i.e. having a committee headed up by a President, Secretary and Treasurer and operate under a constitution, the MMACA will accept a group at Club costs provided that:

  1. A Convenor is elected, appointed or volunteers
  1. That Convenor agrees to be the spokesperson for the group.
  1. That he or she commits himself or herself to keeping the group members informed of any information that is sent by the MMACA.
  1. That he or she agrees to collect all affiliation and membership funds and forward them on to the MMACA.
  1. That the group agrees to operate under the MMACA constitution.
  1. And that he or she agrees to provide all membership details to the MMACA.

The last requirement is so that the MMACA can enter the individual’s details in our data base, which is a requirement of our insurance company. It also allows us to send our Newsletters direct to the group members.If the group wants to form a small committee around the convenor to carry out some of the tasks above, this would be quite OK provided the MMACA is advised as to who they are and what they are responsible for just so that we know who to contact should the need arise.The group should still hold an AGM (which could be at the beach, pool, track side) once a year to elect or reconfirm their choice of Convenor.If at a later date the group wants to formalise the MMACA will assist them in any way it can.If the group is part of a National organisation the above requirements would still be needed but they would be registered with the MMACA with the word (TAS) after their National name e.g. BRMA (TAS).All of this may seem a bit dictatorial on the part of the MMACA. However it is the minimum that we believe is necessary to meet the insurance companies requirements and at the same time overcome the problem of a group member not knowing what is going on in relationship to say, the MMACA Exhibition or a State championship in another facet of modelling that the member may have a minor interest in. 

© Copyright MMACA 2010 - Disclaimer           Last updated August 2023