September 2023
Published by: Model Makers and Collectors Association Editor: David Kettlewell
PO Box 256, Rosny Park 7018
Welcome to the first edition of the new MMACA news. In it you find out about what is going on in MMACA itself, but more importantly, what is happening in the various clubs and groups that make up MMACA.
We want to give you a view into the diverse interests and activities of your fellow MMACA members, and give you a sense of connection with like minded colleagues.
Initially we hope to publish a newsletter every two months. This will depend, of course, on there being enough copy. We will be looking for input from all the various clubs and groups involved. Look for upcoming events (well ahead of time); reports on recent club events; articles of general interest or about particular models etc.
This first edition will be fairly model railway focused, but what future editions bring will depend on you. Consider writing something about your club activities, or a model you have made or are in the process of making, have seen or read about.
If you can think of ways to improve this newsletter, or things you would like to see in it please let us know.
On the next page you will find a letter from the president, and a list of the current MMACA committee. The rest of this first edition is filled with pictures from the recent model train show put on by BRMA and Lions Club in the Kingston Community Hub.
Enjoy your MMACA News, and keep on modelling (and collecting and operating).
From the president:
Hi all Members
First of all, the MMACA Agm was held recently with a number of new faces elected to the executive positions and the committee. We are looking forward to a productive year.
As you are probably aware, MMACA leases the Model Park at Goodwood from Glenorchy City Council, and a lot of time and energy is spent maintaining the facilities and the relationship with the council.
Over the last 12 months I have had to deal council on a number of issues relating to the park.
So we are onwards and upwards and looking forward to new input. Please think about what you can do to enhance MMACA. Feel free to contact me or any of the committee with any ideas or comments. We all need get involved and help to make MMACA an asset for all members in all the various hobbies and groups we represent.
James Fisher (aka Jimbo)
Your MMACA committee for 2023-2024:
At the first meeting of your new committee a loophole was found in the constitution allowing us to reduce the number of general meetings to four times a year. Scheduled dates for 2023-2024 are the 3rd Wednesday evenings of October, January and April (then July which will be 2024 AGM) at 7 pm.
The committee will be meeting more often and hopefully will deal with most of the business, the general meetings more for special interest or social occasions.
Designed and owned by John Fielding
Constructed with the help of Maida Fielding and Dick Helm
The Location
Rushy Creek is a fictional un-manned station located ‘somewhere on a cross country NSWGR line on the south
western slopes in New South Wales.
Rushy creek also has a crossing loop located on the “up” side of the station.
Thomas and Friends
Can you count the sheep?
Hobart Miniature Steam Locomotive Society
Hornby Dublo 1950’s table railway system
Hornby Railway Collectors Association
Glyn Valley Tramway